Thursday, May 10, 2012

Election fraud is easy - Movement to Discourage Corrupt Politicians

1.  Honest persons with adequate education, managing capabilities and good public relations (best read, best seen, best heard), are ideal candidates in an election. Provided they have a sustainable base of financial and other resources, have a good sized voters following, are supported by a committed, brave and intelligent team of lawyers, they will never lose in an election.

2.  If you want to win in an election and you have the following elements in your campaign machinery below, committing fraud is a cinch:

  • criminal intent
  • money
  • guns
  • goons
  • popularity, name recall
3.  Not engaging in nefarious acts is also not difficult since you are a winnable. Unless you have the following:
  • history of illegitimate birth circumstances (up to the 2nd-3rd generation)
  • bad service delivery record (negative popularity)
  • background in graft and corruption
  • history of oppression
  • history of crime, murder, rape, pedophilia, ostentatious and obnoxious transgender practices (public orgies)
  • publicized violent satanistic or similar tendencies
  • display of resource pilferage and wastage
  • maleducation or illiteracy
  • medical history of insanity or brain disease
  • medical history of highly contaminable illness
  • medical history of other nauseating, or abhorring physical abnormality
4. If you belong to 2 and 3, the best advice is not to run anymore in the next elections.

The reason is, you will be doing society a great service, your heroism will be recognized in Heaven, Nirvana, etc. But if you run, your soul is going to burn in Hell while you are still alive and your children, your grandchildren will be shamed by the way you conduct yourself during election and in public life.

To redeem yourself if you are part of the group under 2 or 3, you should join and become a public speaker in the Movement to Subtly Discourage Corrupt Politicians from Running (in Philippine and Other Elections).

Buddha bless you.